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Date(s) - 03/11/2023
11:00 am - 2:00 pm

Delaware County Historical Association


Do you have old letters and diaries from your ancestors? Have you ever struggled to read them? Come to the Delaware County Historical Association (DCHA)’s Transcription Workshop on Saturday March 11 at 2PM to learn valuable tips and tricks to reading and understanding old-fashioned handwriting.

The museum’s resident history educator will offer a presentation on transcribing documents. Attendees will then put their skills to the test reading several historic letters from the museum’s collections. Attendees are also encouraged to bring any materials they have, whether it be an old family diary, journal or a letter, to work together as a group in deciphering the handwriting.

This workshop is free and open to the public. RSVPs are encouraged but not required, and can be made by calling DCHA at 607-746-3849 or emailing dcha@delhi.net. This workshop will be held at DCHA in Delhi, across from Curtis Lumber. In case of inclement weather, the workshop will be held on Saturday March 18 at 2PM.