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Date(s) - 04/09/2022
12:00 pm - 5:00 pm

Delaware County Historical Association


DCHA’s basket workshop is back!

Saturday, April 9 ~ 12:00pm to 5:00pm

Learn to Weave a Traditional Hearth Basket

Workshop at the Delaware County Historical Association

Participants will learn how to weave a traditional Hearth Basket. This basket got its name from its use. It was intended to carry wood and kindling and sat near the hearth. It makes an ideal carrier for magazines, flowers or vegetables from the garden. This is an all-round useful basket with a long history.

No experience necessary. All materials and tools are included. Please bring a small towel to soak up excess water.

This class is taught by master basket weaver Martha Bremer. She has been weaving and teaching baskets for more than 30 years.

 Registration required by April 2nd. Cost $65.00 per person, which includes a $35 materials fee.

Call 607-746-3849 or e-mail dcha@delhi.net to register.

DCHA is located 3 miles northeast of Delhi at 46549 State Hwy. 10.