Sheriff Craig DuMond sponsors Sheriff’s Children’s Camp



On August 2, 2020, the Delaware County Sheriff’s Office held a one-day camp for the Delaware County children that were scheduled to attend our annual week-long Sheriff’s Camp sponsored by the New York State Sheriff’s Institute. This year’s camp was canceled due to the covid pandemic and Governor Cuomo closing all overnight camps. The camp provides an opportunity for Delaware County children to be exposed to pro-social and positive relationships with law enforcement officers. Sheriff’s Camp is designated for children ages 9 through 12 from across all of New York State and is held annually at Lake Keuka, New York.

In total, 17 kids attended the condensed version of the camp at the Delaware County Fairgrounds in Walton, New York. The children enjoyed a K9 demonstration by Deputy Karcher and K-9 Eli as well as an overview of the Mounted Patrol Division by Sheriff DuMond and Equine Mount, Romeo. Following the demonstrations, the children and their families enjoyed a picnic BBQ, a water balloon toss and games with Sheriff’s members participating in the fun!


We would like to warmly thank the following sponsors who made this day possible:

  • Delaware County Fair Board
  • Walton Big M
  • TA’s Place of Walton
  • Price Chopper of Delhi
  • Butt’s Concrete of Masonville
  • Trinity Food Services


We would also like to express our appreciation for the following members of the Sheriff’s Office who donated their time to participate and provide resources to make this day a special event for everyone:

  • Deputy Eric Alexander
  • Sgt. Shane Biggar
  • CO Morgan Cooper
  • CO Brendon Pennington
  • Civil Officer Bob Mantzouratos
  • Deputy Anthony Shields
  • Sgt. Kim Smith
  • Deputy Timothy Tryon
  • Deputy Ladd Dawson
  • Deputy Tyler McAteer
  • Lt. Karl Vagts
  • K-9 Officer Kyle Karcher and K-9 Eli
  • Administrative Assistant Jessica Miller to include parents; Patti and Greg Miller.
  • Golden Gait Farm of Masonville and Equine Mount Romeo


Speaking on the event, Sheriff Craig DuMond remarked, “the Sheriff’s Office is honored to have these great members who are so dedicated to our County and the people we serve, especially the children. The children of our County are the future and we must invest the time and resources to assist them in being the leaders of tomorrow. I am grateful for their commitment and support of our communities…the people of Delaware County are certainly blessed by having these fine members on their side”. “I would also like to specially recognize administrative assistant, Jessica Miller, who organized this event. Jessica organizes the annual sheriff’s camp on my behalf each year and does a fantastic job”.