Welcome back Delaware County Fairgoers,
We are extremely pleased that the 134th Annual Delaware County Fair is set to take place from August 16th – 21st, 2021. The Fair is as much a part of our agency history, as it is for our county and the communities that are deep seated in agricultural history. It may also delight some of you to know that as usual, The Delaware County Sheriff’s Office will be actively patrolling around the Fairgrounds and parking lot all week to help ensure the public’s safety and welfare.
In anticipation of an enjoyable fair event, we’d like to offer a few tips to help keep you all safe and healthy during this year’s event.
- Please ensure that you have checked the weather for Walton, NY and are adequately prepared for the forecasted weather on whichever day you choose to attend.
- The Fair is exciting and we understand that you want to be in attendance, but if you feel sick, please stay home.
- If you require handicap parking, please ensure that your official Handicap Parking placard/permit is out and visible upon entrance into the parking lot, so that the parking attendants can easily direct you to the appropriate parking location.
- Please ensure your vehicle is locked and any valuable personal property within, is out of sight. Neither the Delaware County Fair nor the Delaware County Sheriff’s Office are financially responsible for lost, stolen or missing items. If you don’t need it, it’s probably best to leave it at home.
- We love pets, BUT please do NOT bring your pets to the fairgrounds. You will be turned away at the gate as no pets are allowed on the grounds and leaving them in the car for the day IS DEFINITELY NOT an Option.
**NOTE: Only Service animals are allowed on the grounds.
- Please understand that the Fair board has stringent rules for a reason, therefore, due to homeland security regulations, ALL bags and coolers are subject to search at the gates. Only sealed, non-alcoholic containers will be allowed through the gates. No alcohol is allowed on the Fairgrounds. If you are found to be in possession of it (in violation of the Fair rules), it will be confiscated.
- If you find that you have lost or found personal property while on the Delaware County Fair Grounds, please be sure to contact The Secretary’s Office or The Sheriff’s Office Command Post to report the loss and/or to turn over the found property. The Sheriff’s Command Post is located on the eastern side of the Fairgrounds next to the EMS Building near the Fair Street Entrance.
- We know that children and vulnerable others mean the world to you and to us, therefore, if you are attending the 2021 Fair with children or any people who may wander and become lost, we HIGHLY recommend that you take DAILY photos of your children or such other people. These photos are extremely valuable for giving swift and accurate descriptions and reports to our patrols on the fairgrounds.
- Anyone creating or participating in any unruly, disorderly or an otherwise inappropriate or disruptive events/behaviors will be escorted off the premises and may risk being banned from the premises for the entire week. If you are banned and choose to re-enter, you may be arrested for Trespassing (as the Fairgrounds are privately owned).
For several years our Sheriff’s Office Community Relations Exhibit was located near the end of Fairway Street. This year we have been afforded a location within the Commercial Tent near the “elbow”. We love to interact with our citizens, so please come see us, peruse our many educational and informative handouts, pick up some promo items, ask us about opportunities for careers in Law Enforcement, or just say hello. It’s been a long year and we want to know how you’ve been.
A NEW Service this year:
Every day 2000 children are reported missing. Every year 200,000 children are taken by family members. 58,000 children are victims of non-family abductions. The key to recovering these children is quick action by parents and law enforcement. A statistic by the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children states that “the first 2 hours after a child is abducted are the most critical.” Therefore, this year, the Delaware County Sheriff’s Office is pleased to announce that we will offering a Child ID table for parents to obtain a FREE hard plastic Child ID Card for their children (Child MUST be present). The forms will be available all week long for completion prior to the scheduled event. Please note that NONE of the information you provided is retained. Therefore, it is important that the ID card and printout is kept in a safe and secure location in the event it is ever needed.
The CHILD ID table will be located in the Commercial Tent at The Delaware County Sheriff’s Office Community Relations Exhibit and is available on the following days and times.
Tuesday, August 17, 2021 from 11am -6 pm (Children’s Day)
Thursday, August 19, 2021 from 2pm- 6 pm
Saturday, August 21, 2021 from 11am- 5 pm
Mounted Patrol Division:
As you’ve come to know and love, our Agency has a Mounted Patrol Unit. At various times throughout Fair week, we will have Deputies patrolling the fairgrounds on horseback. We love photos, answering questions, and visiting in general, so don’t be afraid to signal us to stop.
Canine Division:
Since the Fair last year was cancelled due to COVID, Deputy Sheriff Kyle Karcher was unable to formally introduce his K-9 partner Deputy Sheriff Elias Butler (“ELI”) to the Delaware County Fairgoers. Deputy Karcher and K-9 Eli will be on the Fairgrounds on Tuesday for Children’s Day, on Wednesday as well as Saturday. Deputy Karcher loves to showcase Eli, as he is incredibly sociable. If you see us on Patrol… please stop us and say hello ….Eli is extremely photogenic J
It is our desire that everyone who attends the 2021 Delaware County Fair has a safe and enjoyable experience.
Sheriff Craig S. DuMond