From the Sheriff’s Desk: Let’s Work Together for a Better 2021

From the Sheriff’s Desk: Let’s Work Together for a Better 2021

From the Sheriff’s Desk: Let’s Work Together for a Better 2021

From the Sheriff’s Desk

Let’s Work Together For A Better 2021


 DELHI – From a very young age I had a strong desire to help people assist those in need.  This desire was especially strong for those who were victims, not of just crime, but of other unfortunate circumstances.  Entering my 36th year in law enforcement, nothing has changed for me.  From being an 18-year military police officer, to the privilege of being your Delaware County Sheriff, I have dedicated my life to upholding equal justice under the law, helping people and protecting victims.

The violence and attacks on our democracy that we have seen play out during 2020, and now into 2021, are disgusting and unacceptable.  From the burning of our police precincts, assaults on federal court houses, destroyed and looted businesses, to last week’s reprehensible attack on our Capitol building, it is time to say enough is enough with the violence that divides our country.  Moreover, the unprovoked attacks and murders of brave police officers who are caught in the middle of these firestorms represents a systemic breakdown in the rule of law in our country that is unprecedented.

The violence must end, period. We have a system in place to air our grievances in the United States of America.  Committing violence and acts of terrorism is an outright erosion of the Constitution that makes us a free republic.  We have free courts and free elections, and many have made the ultimate sacrifice for the fundamental principles that are the glue and fabric of our democracy.

The time has come for us to put this violence aside and come together.  Scripture, specifically Colossians 3:13, tells us to “Bear with each other and forgive whatever grievances you may have against one another.  Let peace rule in your hearts, since as members of one body you were called to peace”.  I feel we all can all benefit from this guidance to strive and make the world a better place for all of us.

In closing, please know that the dedicated members of the Delaware County Sheriff’s Office are deeply committed to our communities.  We, and our citizens, desire a society where all can live in true peace.  Your Sheriff’s Office will faithfully keep the peace for all County residents and will never tolerate any form of mob rule or lawlessness that acts in contradiction to our democracy and US Constitution.  As the Conservators of the Peace in the counties, we pledge to secure our citizens true peace, which means the opportunity to enjoy life, liberty and happiness in a just world.

I wish you a happy, healthy and productive 2021 Delaware County!!!


Standing in Service,

Sheriff Craig S. DuMond

By |2021-01-12T21:48:25+00:00January 12th, 2021|Local|Comments Off on From the Sheriff’s Desk: Let’s Work Together for a Better 2021

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